Monday, March 3, 2008

Scene from a mall

So. This weekend I was at our local mall. It was saturday and of course packed with all kinds of babies, toddlers, small children and heavily pregnant women. Yay. But I needed an outfit for when my husband gets home from his deployment so i just needed to suck it up and try to stick to the four main stores and hope to avoid crowds. I find the perfect outfit, the pants and shirt were on sale, I was on a roll. I'm standing in line behind a woman with her friend and shes holding a baby who looks to be about 6-8 months old. Very cute. I'm doing ok, no bad feelings, just a baby being a baby and I'm cool with it. Then the mother starts very loudly talking about how much it sucks to have a small baby, she's tired, its hard, no one mentioned it would be hard, her life sucks. And this is when it all goes down hill. This woman had not exactly regained her figure after she had her baby and from her reaction to what would come out of my mouth I would say she was kind of sensitive to that fact. Without really even thinking about it I pipe in with "Wow then its really lucky then that you able to get pregnant with your next baby so soon! How far along are you?". Two things: 1) She obviously wasn't pregnant I just wanted to be a dick. Mission accomplished. 2) I used to be fat. Like I had gastric bypass a year ago fat. I know exactly how mean I sounded and how much it hurt because I had people ask me if I was pregnant more times than I can count. But I did it anyways and didn't care. Its times like this I really realize how this whole infertility thing is changing me and bringing out my not so nice side. And let me be honest here that was my dominate side to start with so now I'm just some raging bitch who snaps at the mall on a balmy Saturday.

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