Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I just have to say...

Since the start of our journey as Infertiles, I have been seriously unimpressed by the lack of information out there about Male Factor Infertility and Donor Sperm. There is a ton of information about using donor sperm but it is all aimed at same sex couples. If it is mentioned there may be only a few sentences devoted to the subject and 45 pages on using a donor egg. For the life me I cannot figure out why using donor sperm is treated as something thats almost dirty and forbidden, like its a secret problem. But using a donor egg is a beautiful, powerful step to take. WTF? I think it comes down to sperm isn't cute. It requires masterbation and probably some copies of Hustler. Donating eggs can be a painful process but both donated egg and sperm do the same thing: They help couples acheive what they desire most aboue all else, a baby. I just wish there wasn't such a wall around the subject. There is an RE in our town that comes so highly reccommended. We went to see him and told him that there is a chance we might use a known donor. He told us flat out he wouldn't use a known donor. ButI bet if my cousin or want wanted to donoate her eggs to me it wouldn't be an issue. Needless to say we won't be using that doctor, even if we have to travel outside of our area. I don't need small minds around me. This is hard enough as it is without some guys opinion. There are a few good books out there, Helping The Stork has been a lifesaver but its one book out of thousands. I could go on for days on the subject, it just really chaps my ass.

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