Monday, March 3, 2008

Now something thats funny to maybe just us

A few months ago the husband and I were trying to find a parking spot at a shopping center and it was cold and raining which meant all the nearest spots were gone. The only parking spaces even remotely near the store entrance were the Expectant Mother/ Parents Of Newborns parking spaces. I love these spaces! I think they are a great idea and they have them all over Florida. Lately however, in my brain its just one more thing the motherhood club has excluded me from: a primo parking space when its cold and raining. So I turn to the husband and say "We should totally be allowed to park there. I'm an expectant mother! I'm expecting to get pregnant any day now!". We laughed and laughed and its something that always makes us giggle now when we see the signs. I really think I should be allowed to park there if the parking lot is pretty much empty and that space is free. ( No matter how evil I get I don't think I could honestly take that space if it was the last one. Give me a few more months.)

1 comment:

Toni said...

This cracked me up:)