Thursday, March 13, 2008

Its not just for procreation!

I have had zero sex drive the past few months. For a few months before we got our diagnosis in May of 2007, sex was becoming a scheduled, timed thing. Pretty darn unsexy sometimes. I can remember telling Husband "Look I'm tired, you don't have to impress me, just stick it in and go. Try not to move me around a lot, I have to be up early." After we got the news that it was the Husbands sperm, he understandably needed some time. He felt less of a man, which breaks my heart ya'll. We were able to move past it and get back on the stick (Heh!) but its not the same yet. Its very hard to go from yay, I'm getting laid & pregnant! to yay, I'm getting laid but what leads to something amazing for everyone else, is never gonna fucking happen for me. Its very hard to get the special feelings back. Now I know I'm lucky this is the only issue we've been having. No fighting, no sulking or holding in feelings. I think it has to do with the fact that we are both really practical people, just the facts please. The fact is we can't have a baby the way we thought, whats the next best way to do it and how soon can we sign up? I sure miss the lazy butthead, its not the same without him.

1 comment:

Toni said...

Amy, I hear you on the timed, not so sexy sex. The stress about "doing it" was about all I could take. I seriously thought I was losing it for a while there. Even now, it's nothing all month then go go go!