Thursday, March 13, 2008

My dirty little secret

The hardest part I've had to deal with, is the secret of of the nature of our infertility. There are a lot of unintelligent people who would equate a lack of sperm with a lack of manhood. Trust me ya'll Husband does not lack in that department. Its one thing for women to happen into a discussion of infertility and share a personal story while standing in line at the store or waiting for a bathroom stall. Guys would never do that. I think another factor is Husband being in the military. its all about being Manly Men. Manly men don't have health issues! They certainly don't have sperm issues. We live in an area of base housing that is sperate from the main base, just across the highway from the base. We are the only family who lives over here who don't have children. Military Spouses are always regarded as fertile beings. There is no one I can think of here who I could talk to about this. Not just the Male Factor issue but being infertile in general. It does sting a bit tonight that I found out some friends we had in Georgia who said they were totally waiting to have kids, didn't want them until he got out of the military, are totally accidently pregnant. Le Sigh.

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