Friday, November 18, 2011


I'm pretty sure that even as I type this I'm asleep. I am SO tired. Exhausted doesn't even begin to cover this level of sleepiness. I managed to stay up until 9:45 last night like a boss and it was a struggle. My bewb expansion continues although my waist hasn't grown at all. I know its a bit early yet for any showing but I've always been very afraid that my weight would spiral out of control from the moment of conception. It helps that it's really hard for me to eat past 6pm..I'm just not hungry and everything sounds unappetizing. I make myself eat but try to stick to high protein small meals. I stomach even turned down doritos last night and it LOVES doritos. And the gas? If you could slap a propeller on my ass we could all go to the Fl Keys for cheap! Symptoms remain strong, anxiety is oddly low. I knew I'd be thrilled to bits to be pregnant but its more like an all consuming happiness. I am happy. Even if this doesn't end in a screaming goo covered baby 8 months from now, I think I'll always remember this feeling in the most positive way.

For now Lulu, our big dog is in no danger of doggie death row. I called and spoke with the head of animal control and explained that I'm newly pregnant and she's very protective of me even before that. The lady was very understanding and willing to listen but was very firm in that if it happens again she WILL be labeled dangerous and removed from the home. Which I understand and logically if she ever showed aggression to my uterus nugget I'd take her to the pound myself. But she's still my puppy girl, the skin and bones dog we rescued from being put down because she had been at the shelter for 90 days and they were over crowded. She's the pup who kept me sane during this last deployment when I'd had major surgery and had no energy except to lay on the couch and rub her ears. It kills me to think that our failing her somewhere in her training will cause her death. I fully admit to being an all out crazy animal person who believes that animals are better than most of the humans I know. And I love mine to pieces.


Chickenpig said...

I took a 3 hr nap this afternoon. ZZZzzzzzzzzZZZZZ is about right :) Yawn.... more sleep please.

It sounds like your dog got a stay of execution? That's good news. I would bet any money that it was a weird isolated incident and she's good from here on. Knock on wood!

DandelionBreeze said...

Hope that you get plenty of rest... have reassuring symptoms that aren't too uncomfortable... and love your positive feeling :)) Thinking of you and bub xoxo

MaryMargaret said...

I'm so glad that you got good news about Lulu! Cheers for strange pregnancy symptoms as well!