Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Keep in touch!

Have I ever said this to you? Then you already know. You will probably never hear from me again.

I seriously don't fall off the friendship wagon on purpose. Its partly I'm not very sentimental by nature, also I don't feel my life is so awesome that I feel the need to pick up a phone and call across three timezones to tell someone I accidently went to star.bucks twice in one day. Which I totally did one time. Didn't even realise it until the guy at the counter said something. Figures my internal autopilot is set for the Buck.

Since graduting high school I keep in touch with exactly one person. And by keep in touch I mean he sent me a text and I replied. I think the last time we talked was May 2009. We're super close besties! I have also considered the fact that I am not a friendly person. If I walk into a room and people notice me, its probably due to a wardrobe malfunction and I've got a nipple hanging out. Funny story: Thats totally how I met Steve. Ok not really, we met on the internet but thats not funny at all.

Being a military spouse there are tons of cool people I've met of the years. All the ones that weren't swingers I've enjoyed meeting and I'd love to continue being friends with. Just don't move out of my zip code. Seriously.

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