Friday, October 14, 2011

Onward and in a straight line

IUI zwei is a go! First monitoring appointment yesterday went well- everything is where its supposed to be and progressing at an acceptable rate. I took my mom with me and they explained everything they were doing to her and showed her all around my inside bits on the ultrasound. Which that was cool and all but to do that you gotta leave the wand in there for what I'm going to call an uncomfortable amount of time. But I think she has clearer picture of the process now and maybe she can stop asking questions that could easily be googled. Specimen was ordered today, we went with our top choice, the one we had picked quite a while back. It's very strange to place the order. You do it over the phone it only takes about 5 minutes and the word SPERM never comes up but we both know what we're talking about. I have to hold back to keep myself from yelling HOT JIZZ and hanging up the phone at the end of the order. Because I lack a sense of maturity and have impulse control issues. I start the letr.ozole today and return to the RE on the 19th. I really hope this works because A) I really want a freaking baby like yesterday and B) If I have morning sickness there is NO possible way I could cook Christmas dinner for 15 like I offered to do this year.

In a side note..I WANT NEW CLOTHES! I'm afraid to buy any though. As soon as I go buy new things I will magically fall pregnant and none of them will fit. Or I'll buy them and it will send a signal to my lady junk that I don't seriously intend to be pregnant as I have all these new fancy threads to fit into. I have one pair of jeans that fit and 2 pairs of work pants. Everything else is ridiculously large. I know it's better than being to small but I look like a hobo every time I leave the house. To make up for all this I have been buying shoes and lip glosses. Can't have too many of either right?


Sometimes said...

You are so damn funny!

I say buy yourself a new pair o' jeans. Nothing like being artificially inseminated to make a girl want to go shopping.

The line I have not yet (after 5 IUIs) been brave enough to utter is this: "best sex ever" after the doc sticks the catheter in and inseminates me. HAHAHAHA!!

Good luck with your IUI!!!

DandelionBreeze said...

Hi... here from Cyclesistas :) Looks like I'll be 'cycling' with you over Oct/Nov... Great to hear that your cycle is off to a good start :)
I have the same dilemma about clothes at the moment... would love to buy some that fit but don't want to jinx myself or {hopefully} grow out of them when/if/hoping that I'll be pregnant soon :)
I have a private blog but happy for other IF/IVF and BLMs to join... just email me or comment on my updater blog {} and I'll send you an access link :)) xoxo