Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Its been such a long time..

I haven’t been updating much; there hasn’t been much to say really. Husband came home from his deployment and we went on our trip to New Orleans . We had a good time but it was really hot. Two weeks we got our stimulus check and decided lets not do something adult like save the money for IVF let’s go to Di.sney! So we did. And it was awesome. I had never been before; it was really something to see. While we were there Husband got the call that he would be attending ALS. This was good but also presented a problem. You see we have been sharing a car for 7 years. That’s right; here in America we only have 1 car for our family! We live on base and work the same shift so really there has been no reason to get another car. We’ve been talking about it for a while but just never got around to it. So last week I did some looking online and Saturday we picked up our new Ice Blue 2008 Hyundai Accent. I love it and its mine.

So yeah for other reasons and this and that IVF and whatnot is at a stand still. A big reason is financial another is the donor. Our possible known donor still wants to do it, totally on board. We are also totally open to using an anonymous donor. Both of these situations have their pros and cons. Also we’re going to see a Dr. Friday about surgical options for Husband. It may be that he has something in there and the whole donor thing is not even an issue. We were looking at the donor angle because they initially said he was basically sterile for unknown reasons (zeros across the board on his SAs) after countless tests and even genetic testing. But we came to the conclusion that we have to do all we can, for all we known he has millions of sperm they just have no way to get out.

I think I mentioned here before that my cousin was having a baby and I was kinda ticked about it, with her being unmarried and a mess and they had picked out a dumb name for their baby. Yeah well her baby died at 31 weeks. And I feel like the biggest asshole. I know I had no way of predicting that would happen but it was a really sad situation. She was in the hospital for almost a month before Baby Girl passed and they knew she was going to it was just a matter of when. Baby Girl is her first child and while they didn’t have trouble conceiving and have been given the all clear that it wasn’t genetic, its obviously been very hard and tragic for her.

So there we are. Its been a busy month with lots of highs and lows. We’re waiting to see what the Dr on Friday says and hopefully get scheduled for surgery. With ALS it won’t be until August sometime but at least we’ll be on the path to getting some answers or at least another piece of the puzzle.

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