Thursday, August 18, 2011

I say bad words in this one..more than usual.

Thank you all so much for thoughts about my cousin, it really means a lot to me.

Oh hey, that infertile friend I have? Crossed over to the other side! So now instead of her crying everyday about how unfair it all is that they have tried for a whole YEAR and STILL don't have a baby..I get to hear about her betas and OMG are they doubling?? Now to be fair she has had 2 miscarriages this year and of course no infertile is ever having a really good time with life. But not 2 weeks ago she was sobbing about how it was too hard and she couldn't do it in front of customers. I had to take her out back and basically tell her hey I know but srsly keep it together in the front office..use the crying stall in the bathroom if you need to. With a little math..she was already pregnant during this secret theory? The reason she couldn't get a referral or a Dr to take her seriously is that she can't add. Or use an OPK properly. Yes, she obviously has issues staying pregnant but she keeps getting pregnant at "off" times. Then she outed me at work by announcing "I was totally next and hey how'd that appointment with the fertility doctor go?". I took her aside and calmly (yay for me!) told her that wasn't everyone information please keep it under wraps..she said she felt bad and was a bit embarrassed. Then, omg, fucking then she says maybe you'll have a miracle like me and won't need fertility drugs!

Reader, I could have choked the fucking life out of her. She knows good goddamned well I'm not getting a miracle. I was literally speechless. And 20 minutes later I caught her smoking outside. I had to take a xanax because I was going to have a stroke. I have been trying to keep off my fancies (as I like to call them) but today it was an emergency. I know she's happy and stressed and worried but good lord I'd like to think *I* wouldn't turn into such an asshole as soon as I got a positive beta. I'd at least wait a few weeks. Sheesh.

But I came home, snuggled with my doggies and made cinnamon rolls from scratchish. The rolls may have come from a tube but the icing is homemade! It counts!


Chickenpig said...

Wow. That's all I can say. Wow. I would need a whole handful of fancies to handle that one. Sorry you have to work with THAT. Gah!

Michelle said...

Nice frenemy. Geez, I seriously cannot believe what comes out of people's mouths!

Unknown said...

Friggin fraggen frogen! Good lord bitch, just because you want the worlds pity party for your "infertility" doesn't mean every infertile wants their sorrows out there for public opinion!

She's a bitch who lives her whole life at being pitied and therefore cared for by others. Her next life tragedy will be the baby and how hard it is for her to deal with.

She gets a first rate Alex Smack. And those hurt!

Kechara said...

Hear, Hear Alex!