No really, I have no clue. I got a call from a pharmacy wanting my insurance info and I had the presence of mind to at least ask what it was for. I had my fingers crossed for a quart of liquid but it was for the trigger shot. I was a little stunned so I don't even remember the brand. The lady asked me when I needed it by and I said I had no clue, I thought the new plan was after my September cycle, basically October. She said the order they had was to deliver it no later than August 30. But using that date doesn't make it fit into this cycle either. I just don't know. I'm not new to being infertile but I am new to all the fancy drugs, doctors and vagina exams. I hate being the new kid.
My cousin is 24, active duty Army and has 3 children under 5, the youngest less than 6 months. He has been in a medicated coma for over a week undergoing chemo for masses on both his lungs. His sister is getting married today, tomorrow they will take him off the ventilator and he will either breathe on his own or slip away. The odds that he will breathe are very, very low. 2 trips to the desert but cancer just doesn't give a fuck.
I am so sorry to hear about your cousin. Cancer is a bitch. I hope that he fares better than expected. I will keep you and him and your entire family in my thoughts.
That is terrible about your cousin. I'm so sorry.
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