Tuesday, August 9, 2011

It has rained every day for a week now

Moving right along into the month..I'm due to start my cycle Friday at the earliest, Monday at the latest. I did my OPK last week got a smiley face on the appropriate day. Sometimes I feel like ZOMG we are TRYING soon!!!111. Other days its just a mountain I can't climb, see over or even attempt to navigate around. I have been seeing a counselor but really its just me bouncing the same ideas off another person, she has no idea what I'm actually dealing with or really even how to guide me. I guess just getting it out helps.

All these years I've longed for an infertile friend, someone who knew what it was all about, we could commiserate over coffee, alcohol and cigarettes (hey if we can't have kids may as well live it up). Turns out, its not so much fun. I have a coworker with PCOS and recently discovered MF issues. She's looking into seeing my RE and I fully support her and she always has my ear and shoulder. But between the two of us its a bit of a sobfest. I suck at being a girl. My only nod to femininity is my shoe collection so the overload of girl hormones that gets to flowing is a bit much for me. An people, she's a hugger. I'd prefer a light pat on the arm or not at all- PDA is like water boarding for me. Yeah its nice to have a real life buddy in the trenches but I think maybe I should have wished for a kitten instead.

Embarrassing thing I wouldn't tell real life people but I like you:
When I ejected my OPK stick I noticed it had 2 lines on the test part and my first thought was holy shit THAT'S what 2 lines looks like!! I then spent the rest of my bathroom time pretending I was telling people I was with child. Then I bought myself a trenta iced coffee to celebrate (which you obviously shouldn't do in real life.) What can I say, I have a rich fantasy Life.


Michelle said...

Oh, I'm not a hugger either, and, yeah, I just can't hang with huggers. My infertile friend dropped me like a bad habit when she got pregnant. Maybe I should have hugged her more.

Chickenpig said...

I don't do hugging either. I wish I could hang with you. I promise I wouldn't cry or hug, but drinking a must.

I have never seen two lines on a test. I have had positive betas, and I have been sorely tempted to go and pee on a stick afterwords just to see what it looks like. Sad, I know.

Glad to hear you're on your way. Waiting around just to start sucks.