My dog is blind. Also How did I not know?
When we got her, even as a small puppy she would run into things or bump into stuff and it was just silly puppy clumsiness. As she got a bit older it seemed to happen more and I noticed her eyes had a bluish tint to them. I thought as she got much older she might have cataracts like my other dachshunds (she is half doxie) but that would be many years on down the road. So at their yearly vet appt today I asked if he could look at her eyes. He feels she has progressive retinal atrophy and that she is about 90% blind. She might see shadows but that's about it. PRA is present from birth and happens slowly so the dog actually has some adjustment to losing their sight and isn't painful. It's also not curable and my poor sweet butterbutt will eventually be totally blind. I am just crushed, I'm one of those crazy dog people I think my dogs are little people. She sleeps with me every night and has since she was 4 months old. I told her if she was totally house trained she wouldn't have sleep in her crate anymore. She never had another accident in the house from that morning. (Really she sleeps between the sheet and the blanket down by my feet, she loves to burrow.) She always come in from outside smelling like sunshine and fresh grass. She loves it when you nuzzle behind her ears where her fur is extra soft. She is the most lovable dog I've ever met. She will let you pick her up and hold her in any position for hours, as long as she is getting attention she could care less. My poor Baby Barkington, my little puppy soul mate. I am really upset about this, she is in doggy heaven though. I feel terrible so she go to go through the Star.bucks drive thru and got a cup with some whipped cream and a dog bone in it, they love her at that store and spoil her terribly. Her dad ran out to pick up some things at the store and got her some fries at a another drive thru. My god if we had 2 legged children they would probably get ponies for every splinter.
I am so sorry to hear about your precious furbaby. Mine also sleep on the pillows snuggled right up next to me and the hubs.
I loved that line about 2-legged children receiving ponies for every splinter -- I also know that should I ever become a parents, my child is destined to be the most spoiled kid on the planet.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.... :-P
Much love,
Ohhh poor baby :( It doesn't sound like it has affected how happy and active she is, though. Dogs are so resilient :)
I'm so sorry...oh, your poor little doggie. My dog has eye issues and this may happen in the future for us. So just want to love and protect them, you know?
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