I know, I know..I suck on an Olympic level. I have nothing but excuses and none of them are even that creative.
Things are good with Our Person, the night sickness turned to all day sickness and that's just been swell. It isn't so much vomiting as it is all consuming nausea. I've actually lost 4 pounds over the last 2 weeks but Dr Fox (not his real name, he's just a hot piece- I didn't mind him checking under my hood at all.) isn't concerned and I read its not unusual in the first trimester. My first OB appointment was pretty tame, just medical history and a quick cervix check. I did get this huge tote bag of swag that I had to lug around for 2 hours while I waited at the lab to give blood. next appointment is in 2 weeks which should be just shy of 12 weeks- hopefully we can hear the heartbeat since Husband is heading to the desert not long after that. Oh yeah and there is a good chance he won't be back before Our Person gets here. Not like we've waited 10 years for this or anything. Husband was deployed for the last 2 Christmas' so I've been trying really hard to make this year The Best Christmas Ever! I've got jolly coming out of ass I'm trying so hard. We splurged on each other this year, we usually don't get each other much since we buy things we want through the year. I got Husband a kin.ect and a Kin.dle (the cheapest one since he's taking it to the desert) and lots of geeky tshirts. I made a huge wishlist at Seph.ora so I'm excited to see what I actually got.
I did get a nice surprise from Husband who isn't exactly known for spontaneous gestures- he got me a silver baby carriage charm from brigh.ton for my charm bracelet. I've been eyeing it for years since I started collecting charms but never had a reason to buy it. It was really sweet and he was so proud of himself!
Things overall are good. I still wake up every morning in complete disbelief that I'm pregnant. It seems so real and tangible but at the same time so unreal. I'm am genuinely giddy most days- I really thought I'd be miserable with worry but I'm really in love with this whole process. I did have a full fledged freak out not long ago..OMG WTF am I going to do with a BABY?? You think I would have thought that through by now. I'm just gonna blame hormones. And a lack of coffee.
My route to motherhood though modern medicine and DI. Now I'm expecting the unexpected as I find my way through motherhood..
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
I am officially growing a person!
We had out first ultrasound yesterday, The Dark Passenger is clocking in right on target at 6w4d. We could see the heart beating right away which was of course a beautiful sight to see. I knew I was a bit nervous about maybe not seeing something good but I guess I didn't realize how heavy that weight was until it was gone. We are now released to a regular OB just like regular people!
Not much is going on, I've pretty much been hibernating in preparation for yesterday- google is not really a pregnant girls friend. Still knocking on wood, no morning sickness. I'm a zombie by 6pm and my boobs are like fluffy painful rocks. No weight gained yet but when I changed after work today my jeans were fitting a little closer to the waist. I'm not complaining- I've earned my bump!
I did read a great book Do Chocolate Lovers Have Sweeter Babies? By Jena Pincott, its about all the changes that take place during pregnancy and the scientific and evolutionary causes behind them. The author was pregnant with her first baby while writing it so she was able to relate to the research and it really shows. It's sciencey but was a really neat read.
Friday, November 18, 2011
I'm pretty sure that even as I type this I'm asleep. I am SO tired. Exhausted doesn't even begin to cover this level of sleepiness. I managed to stay up until 9:45 last night like a boss and it was a struggle. My bewb expansion continues although my waist hasn't grown at all. I know its a bit early yet for any showing but I've always been very afraid that my weight would spiral out of control from the moment of conception. It helps that it's really hard for me to eat past 6pm..I'm just not hungry and everything sounds unappetizing. I make myself eat but try to stick to high protein small meals. I stomach even turned down doritos last night and it LOVES doritos. And the gas? If you could slap a propeller on my ass we could all go to the Fl Keys for cheap! Symptoms remain strong, anxiety is oddly low. I knew I'd be thrilled to bits to be pregnant but its more like an all consuming happiness. I am happy. Even if this doesn't end in a screaming goo covered baby 8 months from now, I think I'll always remember this feeling in the most positive way.
For now Lulu, our big dog is in no danger of doggie death row. I called and spoke with the head of animal control and explained that I'm newly pregnant and she's very protective of me even before that. The lady was very understanding and willing to listen but was very firm in that if it happens again she WILL be labeled dangerous and removed from the home. Which I understand and logically if she ever showed aggression to my uterus nugget I'd take her to the pound myself. But she's still my puppy girl, the skin and bones dog we rescued from being put down because she had been at the shelter for 90 days and they were over crowded. She's the pup who kept me sane during this last deployment when I'd had major surgery and had no energy except to lay on the couch and rub her ears. It kills me to think that our failing her somewhere in her training will cause her death. I fully admit to being an all out crazy animal person who believes that animals are better than most of the humans I know. And I love mine to pieces.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Beta #2
76 to 799..not too shabby! Maybe this baby just takes after me..I'm a slow starter but once I'm up wearing pants I'm going a mile a minute. The ultrasound will be after thanksgiving, they'll call with a date next week.
Sweet bobble head dashboard baby jesus this is getting more real by the day! I did fess up to my boss today, we work in a small office with 2 desks that face each other so it would be hard to hide, plus she has to know about all the appointments. And admittedly I just wanted to say it out loud. She's genuinely happy for me, it's been no secret that this is something we've been working towards for a while.
So now I can relax (HAH!) next hurdle: ultrasound!
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Stupid long weekend. The RE's office was closed on friday when I should have gotten my second beta so I have to wait until monday. I. AM. DYING. All I can obsess about is every bad outcome possible. Convinced my beta isn't rising appropriately. We told our parents and warned them to keep their mouths shut..and they told EVERYONE. So now if we have a bad outcome its just more people to tell. I am actually doing well with optimism which not my default setting. I bought a pregnancy book for my husband and even joined baby.center! Which just confirmed that I am deeply scarred by this whole and pretty much cannot interact with regular fertiles. Dear lord especially other military wives- the ones whose only occupation is pumping out baby after baby. I've always referred to my military i.d. as a breeder's club card. I hope there isn't a complicated handshake to learn.
Also I'm pretty sure my boobs weren't this big last week. I'm a DD anyhow, I had sorta hoped any breast expansion would be minimal and spread out over the 9 months. Even my MIL noticed I was sporting some deeper cleavage. I am now waking up twice a night to pee which again I expected the peeing to start a little later. Still no morning sickness but some episodes of queasiness in the evening.
My dogs have been more clingy than usual..I was laying in bed with our bigger dog and the littler one jumped on the bed, the big dog jumped on her and bit her leg open. The little dog needed 10 stitches and a cone of shame. I just don't know what to do about it. It was So out of character for the big dog who is submissive to the little one (who is older and maybe littler by a 2 inches and 5 pounds) but the vet had to report it to the county because of the severity of the bite and they might label her dangerous and remove her from the home. That means she'll be put to sleep. I am so upset about it.. she is a great dog and I think she was startled and just being protective of me. We signed a contract with the adoption place we got her from saying we would have to return her there is we were giving her up but they are a kill shelter and will surely put her down. We have a trainer coming this week, a former coworker of mine, to see if any behavior modification will help. So much for a stress free week!
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Thank you everyone so much for kind words and well wishes, I greatly appreciate each and every one of you!
The whole drive home I knew it would be negative, I read the tests wrong. I'd have to tell my mom I'm a dumbass who can't read a simple pregnancy test that any highschooler can operate.
They said they would call at lunch. WTF time does these people go to lunch?? When the phone rang I almost threw up on it.
"Congratulations , you're pregnant!", I almost fainted. Because of course I can't just be happy for me I felt I could have done better on the numbers. Like studied harder or something. Beta #1 was 46 at 13dpo. I am beyond thrilled, Husband is bouncing off walls. No matter what happens, today I am pregnant!
And it really explains the things I've been brushing off all week:
- The extreme tiredness that has put me in bed by 8 pm every night this week
- The ability to smell anything, EVERYWHERE
- Much gagging caused by smells, and a nagging queasiness that starts about 6 pm
- No aching boobs but they do feel heavier
Monday, November 7, 2011
2 lines again this morning..darker than yesterdays. I think this is turning into a real thing. I'm excited but cautious. I did text the picture (super blurry) to my mom with the warning to keep her mouth shut and not to breathe a word or even think about it very hard. Its very strange..I almost feel like this happened so casually. I'm going out of my mind waiting until Wednesday. The 2ww has nothing on this.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Day 10
So with 4 days left until beta day..I've been doing pretty good. Things are..odd but generally explainable. I have been experiencing frequent urination BUT I am a tea drinker. I take a glass with me to work so its a set amount not a constant stream all day. And I've been peeing about every 1.5 hours instead of like the 2 times usually at work (I avoid our nasty office bathroom as much as possible) My coworker yesterday even asked outright if I had something to share since everyone has noticed how much I've been going to the bathroom. Some twinges and pullings going on every so often in the downstairs but again that could be all the pickled jalapenos I've been eating. One thing that does stand out: My boobs do NOT hurt. When I'm about to start my period my boobs hurt with the fury of a thousand bee stings for a good week before I start. Still nothin. Then I did something I shouldn't have done: I POAS. I KNOW. And there was kind of a second line. That was yesterday evening ( ok..and the evening before.) And they both had a faint but definite line. This morning..no line (I did test yesterday morning and also got nothing but got a line later in the day.) So I think it could be a few things. 1- Trigger wasn't totally out even though at 5 days I started getting BFNs and assumed it was 2- Not enough pee in the a.m. from getting up in the night 3- I'm just a psycho who needs to not order pee sticks in bulk off ama.zon available for repeated testing anytime of day. I did show Husband the 2 with the lines just to make sure they were actually there. He is excited but aware that I am also full on crazy and capable of extreme flights of fancy. So yeah..big ol who knows at this point.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Craaaaaazy Laaaaaady!
So I'm halfway through the 2ww..doing pretty well for the most part. WAY less on the imaginary symptoms than last time. Or is the lack of symptoms a symptom? Gonna need to goo.gle that! I seem to be a bit weepy..which is a little strange. I actually got choked up in the christmas aisle at tar.get today. The trigger: a cute little owl ornament. Normally my hormones swing towards rage..like a few weeks ago when I flipped off a crying baby in red lobster. I'm not proud of it but i guess the mom didn't see so it was ok. Maybe she did but seriously her kid was kind of being an a-hole. Last month I had a pretty definate feel that it was a BFN pretty early on. This time..I really don't know. I am more hopeful, Husband is SUPER excited. I know he'll take it much harder than I will if this isn't our month. It kinda feels like it could be though. I almost don't know how to process it all, I think I'm more prepared for a negative. Its familiar territory at least. I'm going to be good and not test until the 9th though. My dr has me set up for a blood test on the 10th but its an hour drive there and I have to leave at 6 am. I figure if I test on the 9th and its negative I can save my time and gas and if it even looks like a sorta kinda line I'll go for the beta.
Also I was giving a coworker a ride yesterday and the song Siren by Tori Amos came on and I burst into tears..awkward! When I saw her in concert she played it and I SOBBED the whole time. She also struggled with miscarriages and infertility and a lot of that comes though in her songs (From the Choir Girl Hotel is about her multiple losses..and a damn good album). That song gets me every time!
and you know you’re
gonna lie to you
in your own way
know know too well
know the chill
know she breaks
my siren
NEVER was one
for a
prissy girl
call in for
an ambulance
reach high
mean SHE’S
just means
she’s got a cellular
almost in love “VANILLA”
and you know you’re
gonna lie to you
in your own way
and you don’t need the light
to guide you though this
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Stupid router making me be without internet! Seriously, who knew those things need batteries? We have telephone and internet through our local cable company and it uses a special modem that requires a special battery (like its 1990) that they don't have just laying around. I don't think they understand my need to read i can has cheeseburger at anytime the need strikes. Also pretty sure they are lying about the whole not having the battery on hand.
So...the baby shower was ok- turns out those people own thier own LIMO. Who the hell just OWNS a limo?? It wasn't too bad, I just drank steadily through the whole thing. It was nice to see my mom's old friend but every five minutes was more about holy shit you have a limo and this wine I'm drinking by the bottle is older than I am! Because I'm a classy bitch.
IUI number 2 officially done! I had it on Thursday, 2 follicles at 25 and 1 at 22. We had gone with our first choice donor. Last donor was 7.1 million..this guy was 42.7 million with 63% motility (I forgot to ever ask what the motility was on the 1st donor). So I'm feeling pretty good about that! They told us when we got into the room what the stats were and then left for me to get undressed and Husband was nattering on about something and I had to tell him, I like you and all but seriously I cannot concentrate with that much sperm in the room. Thankfully he thinks I'm funny. About an hour after we got home things were much less fun. I usually get a bit of ovulation pinching especially on my right, exactly the side whose turn it was this month. It felt like running of the bulls ovulation..like they were all trying to leave the ovary at once and got stuck in the doorway. Which these are my eggs, I wouldn't put that kind of klutzyness past them. And now we wait! We've decided that if this is the magic cycle for us we're going to say it didn't work and then tell our parents on christmas since it's so close. And if it doesn't we're going to take the next 2 months off and pick up in January after the holidays.
(Stupid 2WW.)
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Brazilians and cocktails and boppys oh my!
Well tomorrow I had planned on doing copious amounts of laundry and laying on the couch with my hand in the band of my jammie pants reading. Instead I'll be going to a baby shower for a 17 year old girl I used to baby sit. Yeah. Her mom is one of my mom's oldest friends and apparently she didn't even find out the girl was pregnant until about a month ago..she's due in 3 weeks. It'll be like a real life episode of Secret Life of the American Teenager. And to be really honest- I'm only going because the lady's new husband is super loaded and they have this awesome house that was just in a national design magazine and they throw these amazing balls out parties. Teenage parenting be damned, I'm having Brazilian bbq and custom cocktails! When she married her new husband he wanted more children so they did IVF with the same RE we use. At our first appointment I sat down to get blood drawn and I saw her on a birth announcement. A small world indeed! I'm just gonna get the chick a bop.py and be done with it!
I find this to be funny as hell: Somewhere in our house I have hidden my husband's battery packs for his xbox controllers. They are in with the cleaning products..maybe if he'd do a few chores he would find them..its been 4 days. Its killing him since Bat.man Ark.ham Asylum came out last week and he only got to play it for a few hours. I'm sticking to the claim that the hormones make me do these thing.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Ok, its not really that bad but still. DAMMIT. I just wanted one damn thing to go well. The appointment Wednesday went ok- lining was good and had 4 follicles. The plan was to check everything again this morning and hopefully get the green light to trigger over the weekend and do the IUI first thing Monday. Everything is still good, they just want the follicles to get a wee bit bigger so they think they'll look at everything on Monday then trigger then with IUI to follow. I had 3 12's and 1 10 follicle..I thought that was good but I guess think 2 days will improve everything a bit. I guess I just didn't realize how much I had myself set up for a Monday IUI..and it would have given me a 3 day weekend which I haven't had since like May. Such a small thing but today it brought the big things into focus..why is this so fucking hard? This was all I ever wanted- and its not like I've been drawing the luck card on a lot in life. I knew that starting this process would stir up a lot and it has really started to well up the past week or so. But that's what the therapy is for right?
Blarghy. Gonna chalk this all up to horomones.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Kids these days
I just saw something on tv about girls who wear bracelets or buttons with different colors basically promoting the things they are willing to do or have done sexually. I was repulsed at first but then realized my weddings pretty much tell the world "I Go All The Way. A Lot." I bet my Grandma even knows!
Friday, October 14, 2011
Onward and in a straight line
IUI zwei is a go! First monitoring appointment yesterday went well- everything is where its supposed to be and progressing at an acceptable rate. I took my mom with me and they explained everything they were doing to her and showed her all around my inside bits on the ultrasound. Which that was cool and all but to do that you gotta leave the wand in there for what I'm going to call an uncomfortable amount of time. But I think she has clearer picture of the process now and maybe she can stop asking questions that could easily be googled. Specimen was ordered today, we went with our top choice, the one we had picked quite a while back. It's very strange to place the order. You do it over the phone it only takes about 5 minutes and the word SPERM never comes up but we both know what we're talking about. I have to hold back to keep myself from yelling HOT JIZZ and hanging up the phone at the end of the order. Because I lack a sense of maturity and have impulse control issues. I start the letr.ozole today and return to the RE on the 19th. I really hope this works because A) I really want a freaking baby like yesterday and B) If I have morning sickness there is NO possible way I could cook Christmas dinner for 15 like I offered to do this year.
In a side note..I WANT NEW CLOTHES! I'm afraid to buy any though. As soon as I go buy new things I will magically fall pregnant and none of them will fit. Or I'll buy them and it will send a signal to my lady junk that I don't seriously intend to be pregnant as I have all these new fancy threads to fit into. I have one pair of jeans that fit and 2 pairs of work pants. Everything else is ridiculously large. I know it's better than being to small but I look like a hobo every time I leave the house. To make up for all this I have been buying shoes and lip glosses. Can't have too many of either right?
Thursday, October 6, 2011
We're getting closer! 3 more days of BCPs- I remember why now a million years ago I quit taking the things and switched to latex and prayer (jokes on me!). My mom is going to go with me to my monitoring appointment and then we're going to go look at baby things for a baby shower (and a bit for myself too). My RE is about 45 minutes away so I try to pack as much as I can when I make those trips like shopping and having lunch at maca.roni grill. Also I figure if I take my mom she'll stop asking so many questions. I swear she has the memory of a pea, its nice that she's involved but dang I hate repeating myself!
**Whining Ahead- the poor me, I got sand in my vagina kind**
Saturday, October 1, 2011
I'm just a big ol ball of pulsating hate these days. Just like my coffee- extra bitter. For pretty much no reason it seems. Work is ok, no family dramas, weather is starting to cool off and I hate the whole fucking world. It isn't even fertility related..I actually got some good cuddle time in yesterday with a 21 day old newborn. My coworker's wife brought in their baby to see me especially since he was born on my birthday! He was so little and sqwooshee! Still had that fresh baked smell. I actually had a better day after that. I love babies, through all these years it has never bothered me to be around them. Interacting with babies sort of gives me a little hope and I'd hate to cut myself off from something so wonderful. I also made the choice to stop seeing a counselor for the time being. I want to go back during pregnancy or if we get keep getting BFNs. I know I need to be able to talk with a neutral party while I don't have the option of medication during treatments and pregnancy. I think I might just be feeling a general malaise..the weather changing, a lull in our workload. I think once we get closer to the middle of October and really get started on the next cycle things will perk up.
Monday, September 19, 2011
For the love of extra cheese and bacon
In the last few days I've become convinced that the reason this cycle didn't work was because I didn't lose 10lbs beforehand. So I cleaned out the pantry this weekend, threw out all non healthy snack stuff, made a huge pot of chicken & dumplings from scratch with biscuits as one last huge blow out dinner yesterday. Packed a healthy lunch for work today, cooked myself a healthy egg white breakfast bright and early and made sure my gym clothes were in the car so I would have no excuse not to go to the gym. A healthy lunch and snacks were consumed along with a ton of water, but then a wild customer appeared! I had to stay late and hit traffic! I said fuck it and went home! I twisted my husband's arm into going to a local burger place here.. their motto is literally "if you can see the grease through the bag you know its good!". Bacon cheeseburger with extra pickles and fries, don't mind if I do! SIGH. I'll start tomorrow. But I'm pretty serious about that 10 pounds. I got my eye you. (The other eye is on Kri.spy Kre.me. FOCUS!)
Friday, September 16, 2011
Once in a blue moon
Not every day as an Infertile sucks ass. It's rare but every so now and then there comes a day- a day when its all about me. A day that probably wouldn't happen if I was a parent. I've been off all week, we had a trip planned to Dis.ney World but the IUI got scheduled for this week originally so we cancelled it and I kept my leave. If we had rugrats I don't think I would have taken the leave just because I could- I would need it for dr appointments and school things. Not to mention all trips would have to take place around school holidays..not just whenever we feel like it. So a whole week off..and I have done not a damn thing. I literally laid on the couch for 6 hours yesterday watching tv and surfing the net. I barely rubbed 2 brain cells together. And today was my masterpiece! I woke up about 10, read the paper, petted the pooch then left for my mani/pedi. Its only about 73 today which is a miracle for this time of year in Florida so I went to Star.bucks and got my bucket-o-coffee (trenta iced coffee with 5 pumps of toffee nut & nonfat milk) and read outside for about an hour :
I love my Kin.dle it goes everywhere with me
After that I decided to grab some lunch so I got some sushi to go from our favorite place and headed to the beach..all outdoor activities are highly shaded, I'm a redhead and sizzle after about 20 minutes in direct sunlight. I ate, I read and reveled in the fact that while I would prefer to be a mother above all things, that for once today it didn't suck to be me.
I only live about 5 minutes from the Gulf of Mexico, I can actually see it from my kitchen.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
But I'm not surprised. I just had a feeling it didn't take, the rush job on the IUI didn't boost my confidence but about a week after I pretty much knew. I commenced to pee on anything remotely considered to be a pregnancy test anyhow. My Lady showed up yesterday confirming what the tests had been telling me. I called my mom to tell her the news and hilarity ensued:
Me: That red headed bitch showed up at my house today!
Mom: Your Aunt Steffanie is in town?
Ah the joy of being in a ginger with all female ginger relatives!
I'm not that upset- I sorta knew it wasn't gonna work but I'm hopeful and still have a pretty positive outlook on this whole thing. On the other side 1 down only 5 paid IUIs left. Yikes. Starting BCPs today and I made sure to get strict instructions and repeated them back to the nurse. Looks like the week of 24 Oct 11 for go time.
And now I'd like to have a word with all the pregnancy tests in the audience. I don't come to your house and act like an asshole do I? If you asked me a simple yes or no question I would at least pretend to think about for a minute before responding. Maybe a furrowed brow to show I'm really putting some mental weight into it, or ask if I could call a lifeline. I might even consult wikipedia or a quick google search. I wouldn't be a like "Hell No!" right after the question left your mouth making you feel like a complete dumbass for even asking. I'm just saying you might want to mind your manners a little bit more in the future. Maybe even say yes in the future, perhaps? We'll work on it.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
All the things!
Everything is a symptom. Which makes me believe of course, that it totally did not work. I've been spending the past few days at work playing with boobs..poking and smushing them. Yeah they hurt but is it an UNUSUAL hurt? Over all I feel vaguely premenstrual..but I have to keep reminding myself- duh bitch, even if you are pregnant you're only like 3 days in! I knew the 2ww would be bad but I actually didn't count on this level of obsession. I POAS after the trigger..just wanted to see what those 2 lines would look like. Not really that gratifying since I knew it wasn't real. I'm only 6dpiui..I'm not even sure when to expect symptoms even if I got a BFP next week. I sorta forgot I asked for leave all of next week, so now I have nothing else to do but sit and obsess. At least it something I'm good at!
Friday, September 2, 2011
Done deal
Well that was anticlimactic.
First IUI over and done with though! We were at the office maybe 35 minutes altogether and that includes the 10 minutes laying down after the IUI. Husband got to push the plunger, I thought it was nice of them to allow that. The only minor hiccup was with the sperm. The cryo bank guarantees 10 million at least and our vial was only 7.2. The office had already called and talked to them, they will issue us a credit or a if it didn't work a free vial next time. We actually had 2 donors that we felt were really great matches for us so if we don't get a positive I think we'll just move to the other donor, no biggie really. I had some cramping- it was like the HSG all over again. I have a narrow cervix so they had to use the clamps to get the catheter in. It was pretty neat they used the ultrasound on my belly and let us see the catheter in my uterus and like a grey mist when Husband pushed the plunger. I was joking with the Dr that I had thought about doing it the way normal people get pregnant, by drinking a bottle of wine the night before. Seriously it did occur to me I was just too lazy to go buy any. I wanted to go to Maca.roni Grill but at that point the need to lay down on my soft bed out weighed my need for pasta and bread. It was a tough call. I did ask the nurse if I had to come back for a test or do I just do one (or 20) at home..they said it was up to me. I told her truthfully I was going to start peeing on things as soon as the internet said I could.
So now, we wait!
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Can't carry a tune
Can't follow directions very well either it seems.
I went this morning for my blood work and ultrasound..The Dr comes in, they can't find my treatment plan. So they ask me what days I took the meds and I tell them exactly what they told me and I had written down..5 days of BCPs 5 days of Letro.zole. Tension rises. They find the notes where yes someone did talk to me and call all that stuff in..but it was supposed to be 10 days of BCPs then 5 of Letro.zole. Which sounds right, because they other way didn't BUT when I called to confirm it was 5 days of each they said that was correct. Well for the past day or so I had been getting what I know to be ovulation indicators..increased CM and a really heavy feeling in my ovary areas..well yeah cuz I got some big ass follies up in there! 1 was at 30, 1 at 24 and 1 at 16- all on the left. The right had a bunch of tiny ones under 6. So they pow-wow for a minute and came back with - well it was a huge communication error, our bad..trigger tonight and come back for the IUI on friday.
That was unexpected. I was mentally prepared for the 9th or 12th..I think I'm a little nervous. A coworkers husband is a flight medic so he is going to give me the shot..and I'll wake up at 5am my time and order the swim team! Turns out my fuck up wasn't too bad after all! And I get to go to Maca.roni Gri.ll After!!
I wish I could say my mental health day I took last week relaxed me a bit. The plan was to take my kindle and go out to the beach to read and people watch. The reality was I did laundry all day and never even got around to putting on a bra or real clothes. Being an adult blows sometimes.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
The price of happiness..
The ONLY reason we are even doing the IUIs at this point in time is because though my job on base I have insurance that supposedly covered 6 IUIs. The past few weeks I have been thinking about quitting my job or finding a different job in the same organization..sort of all depending on how much exactly the insurance was going to cover for the IUI. The company has been really vague about what and how much they cover for anything so I was pretty prepared to hear some high numbers when I called the RE to get at least a guesstimate about what I'll owe on IUI day. I'll owe a whole $24.02. Yeah, not gonna be cleaning out my desk just yet. Truthfully my job isn't that bad. We have new management and just undergoing a lot of changes and growing pains all at once. It might get better soon or I'll get pregnant, go on bed rest and quit after my maternity leave is up.
The trigger shot kit arrived and oh my holy god those needles are big. There has been no word if they do the actual sticking or if I have to trust my husband to do it. Whom I normally don't even trust to order my drink at Star.bucks (Venti iced coffee with 4 pumps of toffee nut & nonfat- it never changes guy!) I loves him but having him come at me with pointy objects is quite another thing. I actually give myself B-12 injections once a month but those are little tiny needles..these are gigantor needles.
Monday, August 22, 2011
But wait there's more!
Aww...seriously thanks you guys! I just want you to know I would totally cut a bitch for any of you. It gets better though..are you ready? She's having twins. Yeah. Now on one hand I'm am genuinely happy for her. After all the dr appointments, monthly disappointments and multiple miscarriages she is finally Living The Dream. But could she do it elsewhere maybe? I'm not sure what this is I'm feeling today..I think its jealousy and shame. I didn't think I was capable of feeling resentful I guess. Not towards a fellow infertile, I thought I was above that- same team and all right? And she was surprisingly considerate about it. We were talking about how she's gonna have to buy 2 of everything and she stopped and was like do you mind that I'm talking about this so much? I said no, this is totally your day- you've earned it. And she has. All pity parties were totally held in private and off the clock. I think more I felt like she should have maybe just told a few select people..in light of the fact that she's had several miscarriages just this year. I'm worried for her. I did joke with her a bit that she has set the bar pretty high for me now..can't really top twins! Of course we all want to get that BFP right on the first try but that's just not realistic all the time. But at least it won't be totally INMYFACE since they are moving her out of our facility since she is active duty and we have a "high stress environment". Only ok for pregnant civilians.
I just finished up 5 days of BCP's and start the letr.ozole today..I'm trying so hard not to be OMFG practically pregnant (unrealistic) and keep a cool demeanor (active fantasy life on the inside). I'm not going to lie..when the trigger shot gets here I'm going to squeal a bit. Thank god the sperm tanks don't get delivered to the house, I'd probably try to include it in a family portrait.
In short- I'm a mess. I can't believe a medical professional thinks I'm mature enough to have children. Once its out of the oven, too late I touched it! no backsies!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
I say bad words in this one..more than usual.
Thank you all so much for thoughts about my cousin, it really means a lot to me.
Oh hey, that infertile friend I have? Crossed over to the other side! So now instead of her crying everyday about how unfair it all is that they have tried for a whole YEAR and STILL don't have a baby..I get to hear about her betas and OMG are they doubling?? Now to be fair she has had 2 miscarriages this year and of course no infertile is ever having a really good time with life. But not 2 weeks ago she was sobbing about how it was too hard and she couldn't do it anymore..like in front of customers. I had to take her out back and basically tell her hey I know but srsly keep it together in the front office..use the crying stall in the bathroom if you need to. With a little math..she was already pregnant during this outburst..my secret theory? The reason she couldn't get a referral or a Dr to take her seriously is that she can't add. Or use an OPK properly. Yes, she obviously has issues staying pregnant but she keeps getting pregnant at "off" times. Then she outed me at work by announcing "I was totally next and hey how'd that appointment with the fertility doctor go?". I took her aside and calmly (yay for me!) told her that wasn't everyone information please keep it under wraps..she said she felt bad and was a bit embarrassed. Then, omg, fucking then she says maybe you'll have a miracle like me and won't need fertility drugs!
Reader, I could have choked the fucking life out of her. She knows good goddamned well I'm not getting a miracle. I was literally speechless. And 20 minutes later I caught her smoking outside. I had to take a xanax because I was going to have a stroke. I have been trying to keep off my fancies (as I like to call them) but today it was an emergency. I know she's happy and stressed and worried but good lord I'd like to think *I* wouldn't turn into such an asshole as soon as I got a positive beta. I'd at least wait a few weeks. Sheesh.
But I came home, snuggled with my doggies and made cinnamon rolls from scratchish. The rolls may have come from a tube but the icing is homemade! It counts!
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
The good and the bad
Started my cycle today, called the RE and we are off to the races my friends! I had a feeling they weren't going to make me wait until my cycle started in September..glad to get some good news! I picked up the bcps today and will start them tomorrow. Called the pharmacy place and ordered my trigger shot. After the 1st I'll order the swim team and have it sent to the office and depending on how everything looks the IUI will be between the 9th-12th of September. I'm more concerned about cost than anything..my insurance actually covers a portion of the IUI, I was told I'd pay less than $100 but I like knowing firm factual things. I'm having a hard time getting excited today, my cousin passed away early this morning. He told his wife he wanted to be home by tonight if that was ok with her and she told him to go whenever he felt ready..he went about 3 hours later. I cannot convey in words how deeply I feel for her and their children.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
They know something I don't know!
Or do they? Those coy RE mothers, holding out on me!
No really, I have no clue. I got a call from a pharmacy wanting my insurance info and I had the presence of mind to at least ask what it was for. I had my fingers crossed for a quart of liquid lora.tab but it was for the trigger shot. I was a little stunned so I don't even remember the brand. The lady asked me when I needed it by and I said I had no clue, I thought the new plan was after my September cycle, basically October. She said the order they had was to deliver it no later than August 30. But using that date doesn't make it fit into this cycle either. I just don't know. I'm not new to being infertile but I am new to all the fancy drugs, doctors and vagina exams. I hate being the new kid.
My cousin is 24, active duty Army and has 3 children under 5, the youngest less than 6 months. He has been in a medicated coma for over a week undergoing chemo for masses on both his lungs. His sister is getting married today, tomorrow they will take him off the ventilator and he will either breathe on his own or slip away. The odds that he will breathe are very, very low. 2 trips to the desert but cancer just doesn't give a fuck.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
It has rained every day for a week now
Moving right along into the month..I'm due to start my cycle Friday at the earliest, Monday at the latest. I did my OPK last week got a smiley face on the appropriate day. Sometimes I feel like ZOMG we are TRYING soon!!!111. Other days its just a mountain I can't climb, see over or even attempt to navigate around. I have been seeing a counselor but really its just me bouncing the same ideas off another person, she has no idea what I'm actually dealing with or really even how to guide me. I guess just getting it out helps.
All these years I've longed for an infertile friend, someone who knew what it was all about, we could commiserate over coffee, alcohol and cigarettes (hey if we can't have kids may as well live it up). Turns out, its not so much fun. I have a coworker with PCOS and recently discovered MF issues. She's looking into seeing my RE and I fully support her and she always has my ear and shoulder. But between the two of us its a bit of a sobfest. I suck at being a girl. My only nod to femininity is my shoe collection so the overload of girl hormones that gets to flowing is a bit much for me. An people, she's a hugger. I'd prefer a light pat on the arm or not at all- PDA is like water boarding for me. Yeah its nice to have a real life buddy in the trenches but I think maybe I should have wished for a kitten instead.
Embarrassing thing I wouldn't tell real life people but I like you:
When I ejected my OPK stick I noticed it had 2 lines on the test part and my first thought was holy shit THAT'S what 2 lines looks like!! I then spent the rest of my bathroom time pretending I was telling people I was with child. Then I bought myself a trenta iced coffee to celebrate (which you obviously shouldn't do in real life.) What can I say, I have a rich fantasy Life.
Friday, August 5, 2011
My dog is blind. Also How did I not know?
When we got her, even as a small puppy she would run into things or bump into stuff and it was just silly puppy clumsiness. As she got a bit older it seemed to happen more and I noticed her eyes had a bluish tint to them. I thought as she got much older she might have cataracts like my other dachshunds (she is half doxie) but that would be many years on down the road. So at their yearly vet appt today I asked if he could look at her eyes. He feels she has progressive retinal atrophy and that she is about 90% blind. She might see shadows but that's about it. PRA is present from birth and happens slowly so the dog actually has some adjustment to losing their sight and isn't painful. It's also not curable and my poor sweet butterbutt will eventually be totally blind. I am just crushed, I'm one of those crazy dog people I think my dogs are little people. She sleeps with me every night and has since she was 4 months old. I told her if she was totally house trained she wouldn't have sleep in her crate anymore. She never had another accident in the house from that morning. (Really she sleeps between the sheet and the blanket down by my feet, she loves to burrow.) She always come in from outside smelling like sunshine and fresh grass. She loves it when you nuzzle behind her ears where her fur is extra soft. She is the most lovable dog I've ever met. She will let you pick her up and hold her in any position for hours, as long as she is getting attention she could care less. My poor Baby Barkington, my little puppy soul mate. I am really upset about this, she is in doggy heaven though. I feel terrible so she go to go through the Star.bucks drive thru and got a cup with some whipped cream and a dog bone in it, they love her at that store and spoil her terribly. Her dad ran out to pick up some things at the store and got her some fries at a another drive thru. My god if we had 2 legged children they would probably get ponies for every splinter.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
I am not here because I am reading Then Came You by Jen.ifer We.iner. I love all her books, Good In Bed is one of my all time favorites. Then Came You involves donors, surrogates and nontraditional families. I'm devouring it only taking breaks to cry and pee (I'm a tea drinker on a gallon scale).
I still think everyday the clinic will call and apologize for the hold up. BUT that nasty skank at work? Totally quitting! Turns out her baby daddy dropped her already and she can't handle our shifts (we're a 24 hour operation on a military base and required to be available for all shifts), she's been back from maternity leave for a week and already called out twice for lack of childcare. Um, hello even I know you kinda had like 8 months to get that figured out. I am an angry miserable bitch this week. Luckily I am surrounded by friends and coworkers who know whats going on and are willing to ignore me or apply coffee as needed. We are having a going away party for my work bestie tomorrow since her family is pscing to the great midwest so I'm hoping thats what is causing my overall weepiness and malaise.
Side note: Also it seems I'm not smart and can't figure out how to post a comment without it being anonymous. I'm a real person dammit! I want to comment but don't want to come off as stalkerish and weird- much like my real life I fear.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Oh muh furking gah. I want to murder someone with murder. I am so upset I ate a loaf of bread AND had a coke. I haven't had soda in 4 years. No really. Weight loss surgery patients shouldn't have it and its one of the "rules" that I've proudly stuck to.
Soo..I went to my appointment yesterday for the baseline ultrasound. Everything looks good, we go to the front to get our next instructions. Where the lady tells us ok then, call us in September! Um, what? No, our plan was to do the IUI like next week. I have that on paper! The RE is going to a conference..I get that I totally do. Also would have been super fucking cool if I had been told this the other 5 times I've been there in the last month. So yeah. September. I just had this tiny small hope I'd be pregnant by my birthday which is the second week of September. I won't.
Monday, July 18, 2011
I don't care if you have to make my casket 6 inch longer. I *will* be buried in these shoes. I love them so much, they make me feel good just wearing them to the grocery store. I'm a bit tall in them as I am already 5'9 barefoot. I <3 these shoes! I think they will be worn tonight to work since I need a pick me up.
Well, AF showed up today..4 freakin days early. I'm normally so regular you can set your watch by my cycle, so this bums out just a bit. I think the abnormal amount of stress I've been under at work is throwing everthing out of whack. I've also been having to work the midnight shift since the girl who was supposed to just quit out of the blue. I think I'm too old to do that, it takes me DAYS to get my body back in sync after 1 mid, a week worth just messes me all up.
So Wednesday- baseline ultrasound and bloodwork, then we'll go from there depending on what all that says. I'm excited in an oh-my-god-I'm-gonna-barf kind of way.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
All new low!
I cried in the baby section of Tar.get today. Not like single tear from the please don't litter indian but full on crying game shower sobbing. Right in front of the breast pumps. I wasn't even over there a specific reason, just wanted to "look".
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
They need a sibling. They may tell you they only want extra bacon but trust me the last thing they need is to be a little more spoiled. See the one on the right? She doesn't even know she's a dog. In her defense it might be my fault since we still haven't told her she's adopted. I feel at 8 years old she is still my little puppypants butterbutt and these things cannot be rushed.
So squwisshy!
20 Things I believe in:
1.The right to be heard
2.That being a good friend just isn't enough, you have to HAVE good friends too
3.Being on time is never a bad thing
4.IF wearing all black all the time makes you feel skinny and happy by all means, rock on
5.If you can't learn to park it, don't drive it.
6.After a certain age we all need to wear shirts with sleeves
7.Red lipstick is always appropriate
8.High school was in no way practice for real life by a longshot
9.Star.bucks can make any day better
10.Don't hide. Someone else might be struggling with the exact same issue and may need to hear that it WILL be ok
11.Never underestimate the power of 1000 count sheets
12.Dis.ney is no place for children
13.After 8 pm I should be able to go to dinner or a movie without having to listen to a screaming child
14.Hating people based on race, gender or sexual preference makes you a bad person
15.On my birthday I get to be as lazy, assholeish and cranky as I want
16.There is no point in ruining a dinner out bitching about the service, get over it and enjoy your meal
17.Its not ok to not know how to prepare and cook even 1 meal, even if its just grilled cheese and fishsticks cook the shit out of it
18.You don't have to forgive everyone but its good to know when to at least move on
19.Always keep around at least 1 picture of yourself that you love, if they have to put your picture on the news at least it'll be a good one
20.Happiness really is a warm, well fed and snoring puppy
1.The right to be heard
2.That being a good friend just isn't enough, you have to HAVE good friends too
3.Being on time is never a bad thing
4.IF wearing all black all the time makes you feel skinny and happy by all means, rock on
5.If you can't learn to park it, don't drive it.
6.After a certain age we all need to wear shirts with sleeves
7.Red lipstick is always appropriate
8.High school was in no way practice for real life by a longshot
9.Star.bucks can make any day better
10.Don't hide. Someone else might be struggling with the exact same issue and may need to hear that it WILL be ok
11.Never underestimate the power of 1000 count sheets
12.Dis.ney is no place for children
13.After 8 pm I should be able to go to dinner or a movie without having to listen to a screaming child
14.Hating people based on race, gender or sexual preference makes you a bad person
15.On my birthday I get to be as lazy, assholeish and cranky as I want
16.There is no point in ruining a dinner out bitching about the service, get over it and enjoy your meal
17.Its not ok to not know how to prepare and cook even 1 meal, even if its just grilled cheese and fishsticks cook the shit out of it
18.You don't have to forgive everyone but its good to know when to at least move on
19.Always keep around at least 1 picture of yourself that you love, if they have to put your picture on the news at least it'll be a good one
20.Happiness really is a warm, well fed and snoring puppy
Keep in touch!
Have I ever said this to you? Then you already know. You will probably never hear from me again.
I seriously don't fall off the friendship wagon on purpose. Its partly I'm not very sentimental by nature, also I don't feel my life is so awesome that I feel the need to pick up a phone and call across three timezones to tell someone I accidently went to star.bucks twice in one day. Which I totally did one time. Didn't even realise it until the guy at the counter said something. Figures my internal autopilot is set for the Buck.
Since graduting high school I keep in touch with exactly one person. And by keep in touch I mean he sent me a text and I replied. I think the last time we talked was May 2009. We're super close besties! I have also considered the fact that I am not a friendly person. If I walk into a room and people notice me, its probably due to a wardrobe malfunction and I've got a nipple hanging out. Funny story: Thats totally how I met Steve. Ok not really, we met on the internet but thats not funny at all.
Being a military spouse there are tons of cool people I've met of the years. All the ones that weren't swingers I've enjoyed meeting and I'd love to continue being friends with. Just don't move out of my zip code. Seriously.
I seriously don't fall off the friendship wagon on purpose. Its partly I'm not very sentimental by nature, also I don't feel my life is so awesome that I feel the need to pick up a phone and call across three timezones to tell someone I accidently went to star.bucks twice in one day. Which I totally did one time. Didn't even realise it until the guy at the counter said something. Figures my internal autopilot is set for the Buck.
Since graduting high school I keep in touch with exactly one person. And by keep in touch I mean he sent me a text and I replied. I think the last time we talked was May 2009. We're super close besties! I have also considered the fact that I am not a friendly person. If I walk into a room and people notice me, its probably due to a wardrobe malfunction and I've got a nipple hanging out. Funny story: Thats totally how I met Steve. Ok not really, we met on the internet but thats not funny at all.
Being a military spouse there are tons of cool people I've met of the years. All the ones that weren't swingers I've enjoyed meeting and I'd love to continue being friends with. Just don't move out of my zip code. Seriously.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Another ultrasound, another monday. Both sucked.
I have the key to a successful dildocam ultrasound..thigh high socks! Pull those bad boys up and the feeling of total full on nudity lessens. Still not the same as wearing pants but I can work with it. And those follicles I had on Friday that were on track to ovulate over the weekend? Still right they were, just pleased as punch with themselves. Oh my fucking sigh. I don't know what it means or if its even that big of deal in the long run with all the meds they'll be throwing at me. One of my husbands coworkers is a fellow infertile and she was able to talk me down with at least my lining and blood work is good and hey! I had follicles! (unlike her, she's on her own process of IVF/DE). So yeah. All day pity party for one ensued, since my appt was at 8 am. Add on crappy busy work day full of whining and moaning. Monday's are our busiest and worst day of the week, taking care of all the issues that happened over the weekend. With an extra helping of employee drama, I'm just ready for bed. Our yard guy has been blowing us off for a week and I came home to a violation note from the city. Seriously the grass is barely an inch, someone just felt like passing on thier Monday assholeness. Mission accomplished. Everyone can suck it though, cuz I'm calling in sick tomorrow to lay in bed and read the new Game Of Thrones book with a bag of dor.itos by my side. I blame society.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
I'm in love! With the ultrasound tech no less! It was quick and painless, I'm not even sure she more than glanced at my Ladyness and didn't spend any extra time poking around. She explained everything as she went and pointed everything out. The follicle on my right is at 21 and had 5 that were less than 10. Lining looks great, basically everything is right on track. My left ovary was a bit shy but they good news is not a single cyst in sight! The last time we got this close that shut the whole thing down so I'm feeling a bit more peppy but I still made an appointment with the counselor next week.
I have realized that if I do get pregnant, I'm going to have to quit my job. Not to be a stay at home home, I just can't work THERE. Its too high stress, high drama and too much overtime. 6 months ago I wouldn't even entertain the thought but a lot of changes have been happening and none of them are good. Morale is VERY low and the stress rises every day. Combined with the already high protein in my urine and elevated BP I've always known any pregnancy would mostly take place on bed rest. I like my job and the work I do but I think I'm ready to move on..not sure about being a SAHM because I like money and I'm not exactly what you'd call frugal. I'm trying really really hard but I'm not sure we can ever fully go down to one income. Unless I sell off my shoes.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
And so it begins..kinda
Tomorrow is my first ultrasound, the grand premiere of my Ladyness to a whole new audience. I don't know anyone who enjoys an afternoon of trans vaginal ultrasound goodness but I'm def in super squeamish highly modest clique. Wanna talk about super gross, ultra TMI stuff? Horrifyingly embarrassing personal stories? I'm your girl, my life is an open book! Need to get an annual Lady exam? I'm gonna need you to just go ahead and try to do that with my knees clamped together and my feet spaced just enough. You're the pro you shouldn't need to look. I barely glance when typing at work, the same thing should apply to you. Also for the love of god when I wince at the sight of the "wand" don't ask if I want to insert it myself. We may as well just make out at that point. I know I should get used to it and that if we do have a baby all kinds of people will be up in my Ladyness all the time but in the mean time I can dream of delivery by candlelight and of a Dr that examines by touch alone and never makes eye contact.
I was supposed to start on the smiley face OPKs on Tuesday but Monday I figured hey I'm peeing and the tempting sticks are right there, lets just see how it works! And hello there smiley face! So I called first thing Tuesday and they scheduled me for ANOTHER ultrasound in addition to the one already scheduled for tomorrow. Sweet lord that's a lot of leg shaving. Past the knee no less! We have a tentative date of August 4th for the IUI. Since I came in mid cycle they are just seeing how things go with my lady junk and will proceed promptly when my next period begins.
We had a good 4th at the in laws pool, cool water and steaks on the grill. I was laying out our cycle plan as far as it had been given to me by the Dr on paper and I think my MIL finally gets it. We had said from the get go..6 IUI's and we're done. Physically and emotionally that was we thought we could handle. And luck would have it..my insurance pays for 6! Well that just made us quitters in my MIL's eyes. Surely there's not much involved, just a turkey baster really! Um, no. We sorta brought that on ourselves maybe..we tried to explain things in the simplest terms in the beginning to make it not seem so big and scary and a little more relatable I guess? But after hearing about the BCPs, the letr.ozole, the trigger shot, the constant monitoring and office visits, I think she really understands. Its not just showing up at the clinic having tea and cakes with the nurses then slipping into the back room for a thawed out protein injection (that's what my husband calls it. yes, he thinks he's very funny.) then skipping off to get a pedicure. Small progress is still progress and I'll take what I can get.
And so has come the crash.
I've spent the past few days on the verge of tears, everything is off kilter, the sense of impending doom is overwhelming. I'll never get pregnant, I'm such a dumbass for even buying into it. I'm a sullen teenager posing as a 30 year old. I'll get pregnant but god knows positives don't lead to babies and surely I'd have the hardest most complicated pregnancy known to medical history. I know I'm a mess, I started seeing a counselor but it would nice to have someone who relates. I think its just the fact of knowing this will always be a part of me, it will never go away makes it so hard to believe there could be sleepless night and sore nipples and spit up in my future. I am a joyless blob at the moment. Spending last night eating my considerable weight in che.x mix and reading What to Expect When You're Expecting didn't exactly help. Well, the book is funny and I always enjoy a good light mindless read. Sigh.
I just crave, I yearn, I need. I can't explain it, its just there.
(Also, these posts are totally going to get shorter, it's been a while and its nice to actually have something to share.)
Friday, July 1, 2011
Oh my sweet baby Jesus in a bouncy house. We are launching!
We had our appt with the RE who we was in 2008 today. We had a less than shiny opinion of him from the last visit as he kept trying to push us towards IVF and seemed sort of disdainful of our choice to use DI. We went in totally expecting to defend every choice, armed with an argument for every angle. We get in sit down and he was like bam- start with the ovulation sticks on monday and we'll go from there..he laid out the whole cyle in dates and steps basically ending with a pregnancy test on or about August 10. I thought we would have wait and jump through hoops maybe even juggle some puppies but since I just had AF last week we're ready to roll! He gave me Let.rozole which was mildly unexpected- I guess I just assumed it would be Clo.mid, no real reason other than brand recognition. I go next week for blood work and an orientation of sorts..I also forgot to ask any questions.
I'm a bit in shock still..I just expected to have to wait another month or so. I'm trying not to be so excited but I really am. When I was going to the clinic on the AFB I just knew it wasn't going to work, I didn't know why or how but I just had this deep down feeling that it wasn't going to work. And sure as hell, big cyst cancelled the 1st cycle and Christmas the 2nd ( because military bases don't work pretty much the week before or after Christmas..pretty much only the ER is open and you pretty much need to be dead to be seen.) But this whole week I've just felt peace. This weird blissed out feeling with a chaser of feeling pretty OK. Kinda odd considering I'm off my meds for this whole thing and I've been one miserable, tense bitchface.
Now I know the odds and the statistics and yes people DO actually get pregnant on the 1st try and have actual babies!! Really I'm more pumped about being believed in and given a chance to get off the bench and into the game than anything else. I almost can't even think about actually being pregnant. The idea is so foreign and exotic! We are both on such a high today, this level of optimism has not been seen at our house in a really long time. My husband was in such a good mood he didn't even blink when I bought a $24 tube of conditioner at the mall after our appt. Also the best part? The RE's office is next to a mall containing my favorite place in the word...Maca.roni Gri.ll! So every time we go to the Dr, I get to faceplant in a plate of bruschetta. Its a win-win I feel.
Also, the Letr.ozole only cost me $3. Thanks tri.care!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Where yah been?
I've been here, there and nowhere.
That whore? From the earlier post? Yeah I've been working tons of overtime because she's off having a baby out of wedlock..well not really. She's still actually married just her husband isn't the father. I just can't seem to find my sad-for-you face for her and her self created situation. And I still hate the soul out of her. More snotty and snide remarks about me not having children..blah blah blah. She's lucky I have class and wouldn't fuck up a pregnant woman. Baby Jesus knows its crossed my mind.
We've been going to Dis.ney every chance we get..this last trip we got upgraded to a honeymoon suite at Wilder.ness Lod.ge and it was awesome..nice jetted tub, concierge service and topped it all off with an AWESOME dinner at Victo.ria & Alb.ert's. Best money I've ever spent on food, every meal ever since has been let down.
So where are we on the fertility stuff? You know the reason I've got this silly blog?
We're closer than ever! No, like for realsies. Kidney Dr cleared me all the way, he was the one I was worried about. He said he knows full well that understand my issues and the complications that could arise but my numbers are decent enough. He also said he 4 kids and totally understands my desire for children and that if his wife had my issues and numbers he would absolutely tell her to go for it. He said as soon as I get a positive, let him know and they will start monitoring. Every time he said "when you get pregnant" not "if". I could have hugged for that. Just that small show of support really meant a super lot to me. My insurance will cover 6 medicated IUIs. On July 1st we meet with the RE (who we saw before but just couldn't afford without the insurance I got through work) hopefully since we've meet him before and we still want the same game plan, we can get this show on the road.
I'm totally playing it cool, not getting my hopes up at all. One cool customer.
(I did possibly totally revamp and add a million things to my baby registry.)
(And pick out some different names.)
(Thought about daycare options.)
Just chillen, no high hopes here, no ma'am.
Also I have to give up this insurance by November 30th. So I kinda need to be pregnant by then cuz after that, its really over. We simply cannot afford IUI or even IVF on our own. We figure by then we gave it our best then move on to other options. Kinda not thinking about that, yeah?
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