Sunday, November 9, 2008

Letting the days go by

It seems like I don't post too much huh? I've been meaning to get my thoughts down but these past few months I've had TOO much to say and no kind of order to put them into. Here goes:

1. Husband had surgery. Sperm were found but weren't mature and the very few they found were deemed unusable. This and other factors found points to it being genetic in nature. His DNA was sent off and it will be months before we hear anything back.

2. We recieved orders to Cannon AFB in New Mexico. I'm pissed as hell about this and I'm not going quietly. The AF has cut us off at every pass it seems to diagnose and help us deal with our infertility and now they send us to a base that would make it impossible to travel to get treatments. Its like we're being punished for being uncouth infertiles. ( OK, yes that a little extreme. I'm a tad emotional these days..)

3. found out that a military base not 2 hours from here was opening their fertility program again but only for IUIs. Thats perfect, it can work! Better still: its free!!!

And thats it. Theres been a lot more over the past months but thats the quick and dirty version. I just had my HSG and am waiting to start my cycle in the next few weeks then I will start the Clo.mid and be on my way. I'm scared as fuck. I'm scared of failing, of it working, of losing a baby or having a baby. I'm also very happy, content and at peace with every choice we've made. I don't think I could ask for more than that at this point in my life. Besides waking up and being 30 pounds lighter with perky boobs.

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