I know, I know..I suck on an Olympic level. I have nothing but excuses and none of them are even that creative.
Things are good with Our Person, the night sickness turned to all day sickness and that's just been swell. It isn't so much vomiting as it is all consuming nausea. I've actually lost 4 pounds over the last 2 weeks but Dr Fox (not his real name, he's just a hot piece- I didn't mind him checking under my hood at all.) isn't concerned and I read its not unusual in the first trimester. My first OB appointment was pretty tame, just medical history and a quick cervix check. I did get this huge tote bag of swag that I had to lug around for 2 hours while I waited at the lab to give blood. next appointment is in 2 weeks which should be just shy of 12 weeks- hopefully we can hear the heartbeat since Husband is heading to the desert not long after that. Oh yeah and there is a good chance he won't be back before Our Person gets here. Not like we've waited 10 years for this or anything. Husband was deployed for the last 2 Christmas' so I've been trying really hard to make this year The Best Christmas Ever! I've got jolly coming out of ass I'm trying so hard. We splurged on each other this year, we usually don't get each other much since we buy things we want through the year. I got Husband a kin.ect and a Kin.dle (the cheapest one since he's taking it to the desert) and lots of geeky tshirts. I made a huge wishlist at Seph.ora so I'm excited to see what I actually got.
I did get a nice surprise from Husband who isn't exactly known for spontaneous gestures- he got me a silver baby carriage charm from brigh.ton for my charm bracelet. I've been eyeing it for years since I started collecting charms but never had a reason to buy it. It was really sweet and he was so proud of himself!
Things overall are good. I still wake up every morning in complete disbelief that I'm pregnant. It seems so real and tangible but at the same time so unreal. I'm am genuinely giddy most days- I really thought I'd be miserable with worry but I'm really in love with this whole process. I did have a full fledged freak out not long ago..OMG WTF am I going to do with a BABY?? You think I would have thought that through by now. I'm just gonna blame hormones. And a lack of coffee.