We try to find the El Oh Els in everthing, even this bit of infertility fuckery. All of the other blogs, books, articles and so on that we have read related to azoospermia and the like just aren't us. We're highly immature to start with. We can't go to a single urology appointment where one or both of doesn't have a giggle fit because the doctor kept saying Penis. The one time he said Rectal Exam I nearly peed myself. We try to approach life in general with a healthy dose of good humour. He explained his condition to his brothers that " His man chowder was lacking in protein." In private we refer to it as his vacant downstairs apartment. Its fully furnished all the lights and utilities are on but its unoccupied. Seriously we have gotten so much milage out of this jokewise you'd never know its killing us too. But the one thing we do best ( besides funny accents*) is find the funny in the shitty stuff and just keep going.
We are waiting on a date for a testicular biopsy to see what really going on down there. We aren't being very hopeful. The only thing we're staying postive about it is that he'll come back with all the parts he went in with. Because we're going on a cruise the first week of September and he's got a speedo to fill out.
* We seriously almost didn't get married because he talked in an Irish accent for almost 3 weeks and had done it for so long he couldn't stop. It was really funny then got old when we had to meet with the pastor performing the ceremony and he was like oh wow you're from Ireland thats so cool and I had to explain that no, he just gets really commited to a joke. I tell him all the time any bump or lump is cancer and he never believes me. My Dr had to call him to get his permission to print out his lab work and I actually talked him into telling him I had cancer of the belly button (my biggest fear). It was awesome and he totally knew the guy was kidding.